File Manager
How do I upload files into the app?
In the Settings page go to Wifi Sync or iTunes File Sharing sections and follow the instructions.
How do I share files?
In "tableview" mode swipe a tablerow and tap more action arrow. In "grid" mode hold your finger down on an icon for 2 seconds and tap share option. You can share files by email, upload to online clouds, AirDrop (bluetooth) or iOS8 extensions.
How do I upload files to an online cloud?
When you are viewing a file tap the more action arrow button and select "Upload to Cloud"
Why can I not see all the files on my device?
Apple does not allow apps to access files from other apps. All iOS apps are sandboxed.
How do I rename a file?
In "tableview" mode swipe a tablerow and tap the pencil icon. In "grid" mode hold your finger down on an icon for 2 seconds and then tap Rename when the menu appears
How do I create a folder?
Pull down on the tableview or grid and tap the + button
How do I download a file from the Internet?
Pull down on the tableview or grid and tap the + button and select "Download from Internet" option.